Āina to Keiki: Through responsible stewardship of ‘āina, we support vibrant, resilient environments where keiki learn and thrive. Hānai i ke keiki, ola ka lāhui: Nurture the child and the lāhui thrives.
Thriving Kanaka, Thriving Lāhui: When Native Hawaiian learners thrive, the community as a whole thrives.
The Triple Bottom Line: We steward ‘āina through a balance of returns impacting community, culture, education, environment and economics, recognizing that a thriving lāhui is not solely achievable through financial gains alone but is also dependent upon the wellbeing of its learners, the greater community, and the ‘āina.
‘Āina is core to Native Hawaiian identity and wellbeing, —framing our shared histories, traditions, and relationships. Kamehameha Schools’ history is deeply-rooted in the land legacy of our founder, Ke Ali‘i Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who set the foundation upon which we steward and care for these lands. 'Āina is our home, our classroom, and our kumu. It is our link to the past, present, and future.
Our commitment to being accountable for the health and resilience of ‘Āina Pauahi supports our educational mission in perpetuity and our vision for a thriving lāhui.