ʻĀina Pauahi: Enhancing Community Resiliency

I Hawai‘i nō nā Hawai‘i i ka ‘āina
Hawai‘i, its lands and resources, makes us Hawaiian

As we steward ‘āina, our communities become resilient. Community, culture, education, environment, and economics are interdependent forces that enhance our well-being and our keiki for generations.

This special project is commissioned by Kamehameha Schools through 2022 to highlight the placekeeping efforts being made in communities around Hawaiʻi.

06 2022 Honolulu Night Market Kakaako Kamehameha Schools

Areas of Focus

Thriving Together

Kamehameha Schools' commitment to creating resilient communities extends to the types of retailers operating within its commercial real estate properties. Striking the right balance between the number of national and local brands makes for a thriving retail center.

Working Together for a Common Goal

With a regulatory process that can take years, the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands has partnered with other ali'i trusts, such as Kamehameha Schools to advance its mission.

Growing ‘Ōiwi Leaders

Our keiki are the workforce of tomorrow, and Kamehameha Schools is developing and nurturing the ‘Ōiwi leaders needed to create the resiliency for Hawai‘i’s economy.

The Neighborhood's Heartbeat

The health and vitality of the land as well as the well-being of the lāhui are the focus of Kamehameha Schools' commercial endeavors.

Grounded in Culture

Creating authentic spaces grounded in cultural identity, connected by shared histories, and invested in an abundant future.

Key Messages

Āina to Keiki: Through responsible stewardship of ‘āina, we support vibrant, resilient environments where keiki learn and thrive. Hānai i ke keiki, ola ka lāhui: Nurture the child and the lāhui thrives.

Thriving Kanaka, Thriving Lāhui: When Native Hawaiian learners thrive, the community as a whole thrives.

The Triple Bottom Line: We steward ‘āina through a balance of returns impacting community, culture, education, environment and economics, recognizing that a thriving lāhui is not solely achievable through financial gains alone but is also dependent upon the wellbeing of its learners, the greater community, and the ‘āina.


 ‘Āina is core to Native Hawaiian identity and wellbeing, —framing our shared histories, traditions, and relationships. Kamehameha Schools’ history is deeply-rooted in the land legacy of our founder, Ke Ali‘i Bernice Pauahi Bishop, who set the foundation upon which we steward and care for these lands. 'Āina is our home, our classroom, and our kumu. It is our link to the past, present, and future.

Our commitment to being accountable for the health and resilience of ‘Āina Pauahi supports our educational mission in perpetuity and our vision for a thriving lāhui.

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