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Robyn Sweesy

Senior Project Management / Associate Principal
HHF Planners

Robyn is a key member of HHF’s leadership team with over 30 years of both planning and landscape architecture experience. She has seamlessly integrated her expertise in a diverse portfolio of projects, including the award-winning Hilo Bayfront Trails Master Plan and Waikoloa Bowl outdoor amphitheater as well as the Ford Island Interpretive Trail, Kawainui-Hāmākua Complex Master Plan, and many large-scale installation master planning assignments in Hawai‘i, Guam, and Japan, including a recent study of all DoD landholdings in the State. In the community, Robyn has served as president of Mānoa Community Garden, Honolulu Community Recreational Gardening Program, and is a frequent natural resources conservation volunteer. Professionally, she has served as President and Vice-President of the American Society of Landscape Architects Hawai‘i Chapter.