Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work 2021
71 companies of all sizes worked hard and thoughtfully to support their employees. In return, each company got a loyal and enthusiastic workforce.

Best Places to Work Week:
Monday, March 29, 2021 – Small Companies (Listed in alphabetical order)
Tuesday, March 30, 2021 – Medium Companies (Listed in alphabetical order)
Wednesday, March 31, 2021 – Large Companies (Listed in alphabetical order)
Friday, April 2, 2021 – Best Places to Work: Online Reveal
Monday, April 5, 2021 – Top 3 Companies (Small, Medium, Large), Healthiest Companies, Most Family Friendly Companies, and Special Category Winners
How to Create a Team of Engaged Employees
The blueprint is not complicated, but executing it takes long-term commitment and buy-in from your managers.
I hope it did not take a pandemic for you to value your company’s employees. Because when the pandemic arrived, your team needed to be fully engaged just to survive this crisis. And if the past is any guide to the future, you will need fully engaged employees going forward to fully succeed.
Below, we celebrate 71 companies that earned spots on 2021’s Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work, the local gold standard for employee engagement.
Hawaii Business Magazine partners with the Best Companies Group to create the list each year. Best Companies Group is the global leader in such rankings, compiling more than 70 of them each year across the United States and in the United Kingdom, Canada and Africa.
All the nominated companies face two tests: a confidential survey of their employees, which accounts for 75% of each company’s score, and an extensive questionnaire on company benefits and policies.
The confidential survey of employees is the primary element. People speak honestly to the Best Companies Group about what they like about their workplace and what they detest. If you built a great workplace, the answers are reassuring; if your employees are unhappy and either critical or apathetic, they will say so when given confidentiality.
Peter Burke, president at Best Companies Group, says Best Places to Work have employees who are “engaged,” which means they:
- Look forward to going to work on most days.
- Have jobs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose.
- Are in an environment where they can do their best work.
- Have pride in where they work.
- Plan to stay with the organization at least two more years, which reduces turnover and ensures stability.
- Are willing to recommend the company to a friend as a workplace, which replenishes the talent pool.
- Are willing to recommend the company’s products and services to a friend, which can attract new customers.
- Are willing to make an extra effort to help the organization succeed, which can yield a culture of excellence.
The key drivers of employee engagement from this year’s survey are, in order of importance:
- I feel I am valued in this organization.
- I have confidence in the leadership of this organization.
- I like the type of work that I do.
- Most days, I feel I have made progress at work.
- Overall, I’m satisfied with this organization’s benefits package.
- The leaders of this organization care about their employees’ well-being.
- I like the people I work with at this organization.
- Quality is a top priority with this organization.
- I trust that if I do good work, I will be considered for a promotion.
- I’m satisfied with the amount of vacation (or paid time off).
If an employee agrees with all or most of these 10 statements, you have an engaged employee. If you have lots of engaged employees, you have a Best Place to Work.
These key drivers change little from year to year: Only one element in this year’s top 10 key drivers of employee engagement is different from last year’s top 10. “Quality is a top priority with this organization” joined this year’s top 10, while “I believe there is a spirit of cooperation within this organization” fell out, though it was close.
What does this mean for a constantly changing world? It means keep your organization innovating, pivoting and regrouping but always remember that much of what people want from their working lives remains constant and easy to understand. It’s not rocket science.
Best Places to Work 2021: Benefits at a Glance
Small Companies
15-49 Hawai‘i Employees
1. USAble Life
Headquarters: Little Rock, AR
Employees: 23 HI
2. WestPac Wealth Partners – Hawaiʻi
Headquarters: San Diego
Employees: 42 HI
3. The Hawaii Group
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 29 HI
The remaining small companies are listed alphabetically
Allana Buick & Bers
Headquarters: Palo Alto, CA
Employees: 18 HI
Belt Collins Hawaii
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 47 HI
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate / Advantage Realty
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 30 HI
Brett Hill Construction Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 25 HI
Diamond Head Dental Care
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 19 HI
Express Employment Professionals
Headquarters: Oklahoma City, OK
Employees: 17 HI
Hawai‘i Energy / Leidos
Headquarters: Reston, VA
Employees: 36 HI
Hawaii Information Service
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 17 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 15 HI
Honolulu Board of Realtors
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 32 HI
Imua Family Services
Headquarters: Kahului
Employees: 41 HI
Integrated Security Technologies Inc.
Headquarters: Waipahu
Employees: 35 HI
Integration Technologies Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 25 HI
JR Doran Inc. / Ceramic Tile Plus and Exclusively Yours
Headquarters: Kahului
Employees: 30 HI
Lawson & Associates Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 27 HI
Mobi Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 24 HI
Na Ali’i Consulting & Sales LLC
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 42 HI
National Interstate Insurance
Headquarters: Richfield, OH
Employees: 24 HI
Okahara and Associates Inc.
Headquarters: Hilo
Employees: 29 HI
Pacific Administrators Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 46 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 19 HI
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment
Headquarters: Kailua
Employees: 32 HI
Servpac Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 19 HI
Headquarters: Dayton, OH
Employees: 32 HI
Headquarters: Irvine, CA
Employees: 23 HI
ZR Systems Group LLC
Headquarters: ‘Aiea
Employees: 18 HI
Medium Companies
50-249 Hawai‘i Employees
1. Northwestern Mutual Hawaiʻi
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 51 HI
2. Bowers + Kubota Consulting Inc.
Headquarters: Waipahu
Employees: 225 HI
3. Swinerton
Headquarters: San Francisco
Employees: 116 HI
The remaining small companies are listed alphabetically
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 104 HI
Alert Alarm Hawaii / National Fire Protection
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 145 HI
American Carpet One Floor & Home
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 125 HI
Aqua Engineers Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 88 HI
Atlas Insurance Agency
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 101 HI
CW Associates, CPAs
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 51 HI
Edward Jones
Headquarters: St. Louis
Employees: 128 HI
EnviroServices & Training Center LLC
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 58 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 105 HI
Hawai‘i Community Foundation
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 64 HI
Hawaii Dental Service (HDS)
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 126 HI
Hawaii Diagnostic Radiology Services
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 69 HI
Hawaii Mortgage Experts
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 51 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 111 HI
Hickam Federal Credit Union
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 113 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 52 HI
Island Insurance
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 146 HI
Layton Construction Co.
Headquarters: Salt Lake City
Employees: 64 HI
Nordic PCL Construction Inc.
Headquarters: Edmonton, Alberta
Employees: 140 HI
Pacific Biodiesel
Headquarters: Kahului
Employees: 77 HI
Pacific Whale Foundation
Headquarters: Wailuku
Employees: 67 HI
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 71 HI
Pearl Hawaii Federal Credit Union
Headquarters: Waipahu
Employees: 72 HI
Premier Solutions HI LLC
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 56 HI
ProService Hawaii
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 233 HI
Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 65 HI
Large Companies
250 or More Hawaiʻi Employees
1. First Insurance Co. of Hawaii Ltd.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 330 HI
2. Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 369 HI
3. Diagnostic Laboratory Services Inc.
Headquarters: ʻAiea
Employees: 643 HI
The remaining small companies are listed alphabetically
American Savings Bank
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 1,084 HI
Headquarters: Leverkusen, Germany
Employees: 548 HI
Central Pacific Bank
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 833 HI
Child & Family Service
Headquarters: ‘Ewa Beach
Employees: 322 HI
City Mill Co. Ltd.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 358 HI
Diagnostic Laboratory Services Inc.
Headquarters: ‘Aiea
Employees: 643 HI
Hawaii State Federal Credit Union
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 369 HI
First Hawaiian Bank
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 1,994 HI
First Insurance Co. of Hawaii Ltd.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 330 HI
Island Palm Communities
Headquarters: Schofield Barracks
Employees: 400 HI
Panda Restaurant Group
Headquarters: Rosemead, CA
Employees: 392 HI
Parents And Children Together
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 321 HI
Servco Pacific Inc.
Headquarters: Honolulu
Employees: 993 HI
Special Categories
Most Family-Friendly Companies
Small Employer
- National Interstate Insurance
- WestPac Wealth Partners – Hawai‘i
- Hawai‘i Energy / Leidos
Medium Employer
- CW Associates, CPAs
- Island Insurance
- Nordic PCL Construction Inc.
Large Employer
- Servco Pacific Inc.
- First Hawaiian Bank
- Central Pacific Bank
Healthiest Companies
Small Employer
- Honolulu Board of Realtors
- Hawai‘i Energy / Leidos
- The Hawaii Group
Medium Employer
- CW Associates, CPAs
- Hawaii Dental Service (HDS)
- Island Insurance
Large Employers
- Central Pacific Bank
- Servco Pacific Inc.
- First Hawaiian Bank
Top 5 Best Places to Work for Women
- Bowers + Kubota Consulting Inc.
- Hawai‘i Community Foundation
- G70
- First Insurance Co. of Hawaii Ltd.
Best Companies for LGBTQ-Equality
- American Savings Bank
- Bayer
- Edward Jones
- Hawaiʻi Energy / Leidos
- Northwestern Mutual Hawaiʻi
Other Categories
Best Restaurant to Work for in Hawai‘i:
Panda Restaurant Group
Best Place to Work on the Neighbor Islands:
Edward Jones on Hawai‘i Island
Best Young Business to Work For:
Residential Youth Services and Empowerment, founded 2017
Best Place to Work: Rookie of the Year:
Best Places to Work Hall of Fame:
Edward Jones, 17 years
Servco Pacific Inc., 17 years
Nordic PCL Construction Inc., 15 years
Island Insurance, 15 years
Bowers + Kubota Consulting Inc., 14 years
ProService Hawaii, 14 years
Atlas Insurance Agency, 13 years
City Mill Co. Ltd., 13 years
Pacific Administrators Inc., 13 years
Central Pacific Bank, 12 years
American Savings Bank, 12 years
Honolulu Board of Realtors, 11 years
First Hawaiian Bank, 11 years
Imua Family Services, 11 years
Swinerton, 10 years
EnviroServices & Training Center LLC, 10 years
Integrated Security Technologies Inc., 10 years
Hawaii State Federal Credit Union, 10 years
Pacific Biodiesel, 10 years
Do you want to be a Best Place to Work?
None of Hawai‘i’s Best Places to Work started that way. All of the companies on the list built workplaces full of engaged employees over the long haul, and many used the Best Places to Work survey and feedback to understand their strengths and weaknesses – and to get better. The confidential survey of employees reveals good, bad and ugly details that you might not discover in any other way. It’s the most useful annual survey for Hawai‘i’s business community. Sign up today for the 2022 survey at bestplacestoworkhi.com. There’s no risk; if your company doesn’t make the list, that remains confidential.