5 Tips on Finding Moments of Joy in Your Day
For stressed-out leaders, an executive coach offers simple steps to rekindle happiness and gratitude.

Bringing a little happiness into our lives every day helps replenish bodies and souls battered by the stresses and busyness of life. You’ll be more effective, resilient and productive – and enjoy your life and work more. Executive Coach Nina Cherry offers these five steps to moments of joy.
1. Cultivate Connection
Reach out to family and colleagues. It might make you happy to have lunch with a friend. If you are a leader, you could walk around the workplace and connect with your staff. If you are working remotely, reach out to employees with phone calls or thoughtful, personalized text messages.
2. Practice Gratitude
Go to sleep every night or wake up each day saying whatever you are grateful for. We can make it a daily practice, a spiritual practice, to see beauty and feel gratitude for the blessings in our lives. Volunteering at an organization that shares your values can increase the meaningful feelings of giving.
3. Have Fun!
Make your weekend a vacation. Take fun outings with your children or play in the sprinkler – hanging out with a child brings out the kid in you. Watching a comedy or taking a cold shower can make you laugh out loud. Dancing feels great and doesn’t have to look good. Turn on your favorite music and dance how you feel.
4. Exercise Outdoors
Take a break during your workday by walking around the block. Play a round of golf or take a sunset walk on the beach after work. How about getting a mini-trampoline for your home? It moves the lymph and boosts the immune system. Hiking or swimming in the ocean can be exhilarating. Nature brings joy to the soul.
5. Rest and Rejuvenate
Take a break from screens and read a calming book. Recharge by putting up your favorite art or pictures in your office. Look for beauty in the details of people’s faces or inspiring patterns in nature. Sometimes we have to hunt for ways to find moments of happiness, and sometimes we find it by simply changing the way we see the world.