Government & Civics

State Special Funds Mystery

Local visitors to the venerable Hawaii State Art Museum near the Capitol enjoy a bonanza of visual beauty created by many of the state’s best artists. What they may not realize is that they helped pay for all that art.…

More room to enjoy pancakes

One of Oahu’s most popular breakfast and lunch restaurants has moved to a bigger location down the street in Kailua. With 60 seats, Boots & Kimo’s Homestyle Kitchen now has more room for all the locals and tourists who used…

State of Repair

6 leaders discuss power & how to fix Hawaii Who & why Hawaii Business invited six influential people in Hawaii to talk about power in the Islands and how to create positive change. The moderator was Jerry Burris, editor-at-large of…

Hidden Gems to Help You

Five government resources that can jumpstart your small business Island Princess, a local candy company, had been growing since it began in 1983 but struggled to stay alive when the economy nosedived after 9/11. “Sales were way down and we…

Tension Over Tourism

Should Hawaii’s tourism czars focus on attracting more visitors or take a holistic view of tourism’s impact? During  good times, there is virtually nothing easier to sell than Hawaii.  If people have money and an itch to travel, all you…

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Categories: Government & Civics