Beverly Creamer



Bev Hb1213 Dc WebBeverly Creamer has worked for almost four decades as a Honolulu newspaper and magazine journalist, covering everything from education and health, to government and lifestyles. She cooked with Aretha Franklin; mourned with Lorna Onizuka after the space shuttle explosion that killed her husband, Ellison; danced with Lawrence Welk; and interviewed Anwar Sadat’s widow, Gloria Steinem, Simon and Garfunkel, and many, many others.


Waking Up to Working Out

Helping people balance their work, home lives and down time. Dr. Laurie Steelsmith won’t shower in the morning until she has worked out. That rule helps keep her exercising daily – even when she has a full day ahead. Fitting exercise…

Date Night is a Marital Necessity

Helping people balance their work, home lives and down time. President Obama calls it “Michelle Time” – the special time he sets aside every day to catch up and talk story with his wife, first lady Michelle Obama. Not long ago,…

Building a Better Workforce

Hawaii employers are dissatisfied with the verbal and math skills of high school graduates applying for jobs, according to a recent study. So state educators are targeting the problem and asking local businesses for support. The program, called Step Up!…

Hibiscus Lady Creates Scents

The Problem The hibiscus has incredible colors, textures and blossoms, but usually lacks a scent. Enter the Hibiscus Lady, Jill Coryell, who has created gigantic, colorful AND sweet-smelling hibiscus that are sold here and on the Mainland. “What sets me…

Leaving it at Work

Helping people balance their work, home lives and down time. Hawaii attorney Mark Murakami discovered a secret of success early. “My priorities, in order, are: husband, father, attorney, Coast Guard Reserve officer,” says Murakami, a member of the law firm Damon…

Where is the Bottom?

When will it recover? Just about everyone in the Hawaii housing sector – brokers, lenders, economists, appraisers, analysts – says the crystal ball on prices is murky. A lot of outside factors make it difficult to predict where prices will…