Hawai‘i Voices: Your Money, Your Kids, Your President

BOSS Survey of business leaders and 808 Poll of the general public ask people about their personal finances, their children’s education during the pandemic, and Biden vs. Trump. Last of 5 parts.
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The BOSS Survey and 808 Poll asked respondents about the state of their overall personal finances. Here are the results.

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*dk/da: Didn’t know or didn’t answer

  • Overall, members of the general public living on O‘ahu say they are in better financial shape than those on the Neighbor Islands.
  • Among the general public, 9% of those without a college degree say they are barely surviving financially.
Children’s Education

Overall, 36% of those polled in the BOSS Survey and 32% in the 808 Poll had at least one child currently going to school (including college). Those respondents were asked how their children’s education has progressed during the pandemic.

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Percentages don’t always add to 100 due to rounding.

Among the general public, people born and raised in Hawai‘i were more likely to say their children were progressing well compared to parents who moved to Hawai‘i: 32% vs. 18%.

Trump or Biden?

Respondents in both surveys were asked who they felt was a more capable leader of the country: President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump.

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Among the general public, 25% of those without a college degree believe Trump the more capable leader; just 13% of college graduates felt that way.

Reports from the BOSS Spring 2021 Survey:

Methodology: How the BOSS Survey and 808 Poll were conducted

Part 1: Half of Local Businesses: “Bruised but on Track”

Part 2: Hawai‘i Businesses Optimistic About Next 12 Months

Part 3: Companies Remain Weak on Revenue, Profit and Employment

Part 4: Construction Industry: Stronger than the Rest

Categories: BOSS Survey, Business & Industry, Economy, Finance