Hawaii Business Magazine - January 2010

Tech-Buying Lessons

When Jmi Bassett opened her dental office in August, she wanted to distinguish her practice with high-tech tools like the Gendex CB-500, a $200,000 machine that takes digital 3-D x-rays. What’s more, she wanted a computer in each room so…

Yogurt Wars

When Yogurtland on University Avenue opened in June 2008, co-owner Charlin Johnston didn’t know what to expect. She contemplated waiting until the weekend but took a chance and opened on a Wednesday. In the first eight hours, 500 customers came through the…

Parting Shot: Your Next Mechanic

3:00 P.M., Wednesday Honolulu Community College Photography by David Croxford HCC’s automotive technology program usually has an enrollment of 70 to 80 students training to be Hawaii’s future auto mechanics. This class of 16, taught by Noel Alarcon, will graduate…

Editor's Note: The Way People are Supposed to Be

One of the great benefits of being a journalist is that you get to meet lots of different people — and not in the way that a police officer gets to meet lots of different people. I listen and learn…

Talk Story with Dr. Michele Carbone

Carbone united Hawaii’s hospitals with the University of Hawaii in the plan to build the cancer center next to the UH Medical School as part of a biotech park in Kakaako. He made it happen by inviting key players to…

'Smart Growth'

Land-use planning, more than any other public policy, shapes the way you live. It’s responsible for your 60-to-90-minute commute from Kapolei or Hawaii Kai. It’s why you live in a three-bedroom, two-bath home with a two-car garage. It’s what influences…

Steering Growth - Extended Version

Hawaii Business invited six influential business people and political leaders to talk about development and preservation. The moderator was Jerry Burris, editor-at-large of Hawaii Business. The panelists were: D.G. “Andy” Anderson, developer, former state senator W. Allen Doane, former chairman…

State Special Funds Mystery

Local visitors to the venerable Hawaii State Art Museum near the Capitol enjoy a bonanza of visual beauty created by many of the state’s best artists. What they may not realize is that they helped pay for all that art.…

Early Education

For geography professor Tom Giambelluca, having his daughter in high-quality childcare just steps from his University of Hawaii-Manoa office means he can pay full attention to his job, knowing she’s safe and happy. And, in a pinch, he can be…

Roll the Dice and Learn How to Get Rich

Want to be a rich woman and increase your financial IQ? Hawaii’s nine Cashflow Clubs teach financial literacy using the Cashflow Game, which shows how to make your money work for you and how to distinguish between good and bad…

‘Green’ Lights Can Save Plenty of Cash

Incandescents CFLs LEDs Average lifespan in hours 1,000 10,000 to 20,000 but frequent on-offs cut lifespan 50,000 Initial cost From $2 to $10 each 3X as much as incandescents 10X as much as incandescents Light per watt of electricity 40…

Flowers for your boss on Valentine’s Day?

What’s Your Beef? The Corner Office Curmudgeon offers advice about life on the job My boss is an extremely nice person. With Valentine’s Day coming up, would it be appropriate to bring her flowers or is that too personal? How…

Joy Ride in “4-D”

The Shops at Mauna Lani on the Kohala Coast is now home to the state’s only “4-D theater.” Movies shown on the 19-foot widescreen by twin HD projectors are synchronized with full-range motion seats, a surround-sound system and effects such…

Advice from the top: Francis Oda

Francis Oda, chairman of Group 70 International, has been heading his architectural firm for more than 30 years. He’s been recognized with more than 37 design awards, nationally and internationally. In this interview, he offers advice to those starting out…

Squeezing Maui’s Nonprofits

Financial troubles are mounting for Maui nonprofits. The latest: As declining county revenue forces budget cuts at the Department of Housing and Human Concerns, the department has revamped its Community Partnership Grants for fiscal 2011. That means many applicants —…

My Favorite Things: Neil Rose

Neil Rose went from standout athlete at UH Lab School to football captain and quarterback at Harvard. He’s now chief investment officer for Cadinha and Co., with two children under the age of 2 – all before his 30th birthday.…

Lunch in the Garden

Sometimes not eating lunch at your desk means getting in a car — preferably with a few office-mates — and taking off for a change of scenery. And there is no better place for lunch-time scenery in Honolulu than Foster…

Start New Year With Family-Savings Plan

With the holidays over, the budget in tatters and allowances long since spent, it’s a great time to get the family together to talk about money management. A key part of this family project is teaching children how to budget…

What’s It Worth?

What’s It Worth? $$$$4,500 WHAT IS IT? A Frank MacIntosh-designed, Pikaki-label aloha shirt, used as a uniform by the crew of Matson’s SS Mariposa. Why so special? Produced in the late 1940s or early 1950s, this shirt replicates images made…

More room to enjoy pancakes

One of Oahu’s most popular breakfast and lunch restaurants has moved to a bigger location down the street in Kailua. With 60 seats, Boots & Kimo’s Homestyle Kitchen now has more room for all the locals and tourists who used…