Hawaii Business Magazine - December 2014

Alive and Doing Well

Reports of the death of books have been greatly exaggerated, as the local publishing industry keeps evolving to meet demand Despite the closing of bookstores around the Islands, local publishers say they are thriving. Books about Hawaii still sell –…

Eyes on the Sky

The world’s worst traffic is not in Los Angeles, Bangkok or Beijing. It’s hundreds of miles above the Earth, where an ever-increasing mishmash of satellites, debris and junk are circling the planet at thousands of miles per hour, and a…

Getting At-Risk Kids on Track

Name: Malia Alo Job: Program coordinator at Hale Kipa Experience: 2½ years Education: BA in sociology and criminal justice from UH West Oahu. Her start:   Alo was a student at Campbell High School when she realized she wanted to help…

Winter Wonderland in the Tropics

Mainlanders who miss cold winters and locals who dream of a white Christmas are lucky to have a place on Oahu where mittens, scarves and snow jackets are appropriate. The Ice Palace, the only ice rink in Hawaii since 1982,…

Where Has All The Flour Gone?

Ever  wonder where the flour to make your morning toast or lunchtime sandwich came from? Until a few weeks ago, it most likely came from Oahu’s only wheat-flour mill, the Hawaiian Flour Mill on North Nimitz Highway. But, due to…

Hawaii Rotary Awards $250,000 a Year in Scholarships

The Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation has awarded 1,562 scholarships worth more than $5.6 million to Hawaii high school seniors since 1976. The program started when Maurice J. “Sully” Sullivan, co-founder of Foodland Super Market Ltd., decided it was important to…

CEO of the Year: Expanding the Queen's Care

The Queen’s Health Systems was facing a difficult and expensive decision: whether to rescue the North Hawaii Community Hospital in Hawaii Island’s paniolo country. The hospital was considering bankruptcy, a path taken by other Hawaii hospitals in the past four…

Finding the Signal Amid All the Noise

Even more than most scientists studying climate change, Camilo Mora has an apocalyptic vision of the future. In a controversial paper published this year in the journal Nature, Mora, a biogeography researcher at UH, tries to calculate the date of…

Mary Ann Barnes

Since April, Barnes has led Kaiser in Hawaii, which has 231,000 member clients, a hospital in Moanalua, 22 clinics and 4,400 employees, including 500 doctors. Barnes started her health-care career 40 years ago as an intensive- care-unit nurse. “It’s easy…

Reinventing Annual Conferences

Question: Each year, we organize and host a conference. How can we keep reinventing our event so people continue to attend? Answer: Keeping an annual conference fresh and relevant can be challenging, but it is worth the effort. Here are tips to help.…

5 Steps to Getting a Sponsor

Mentors and coaches can help your career, but sponsors play a different role. Executive coach and business consultant R. Scott Simon explains that role and how to get the right sponsor to help fast track your career.   1. UNDERSTAND…

Nurturing Seeds & Kupuna

Managing fields to produce high- yield seed corn for U.S. and foreign farmers is no small task. Yet Alika Napier, field operations manager at DuPont Pioneer, still finds time to volunteer at Lanakila Meals on Wheels. He is part of…