Hawaii Business Magazine - July 2015

The Careerist: Must I Answer Emails on Vacation?

Few aspects of life are as thrilling, complicated, satisfying and maddening as our jobs. Victory puffs us up with satisfaction, a promotion and a bigger salary. Defeat can destroy our confidence, and that’s because we express and define ourselves through…

Parting Shot: A Haven for Endangered Plants

Wednesday, 2:17 pm Lyon Arboretum Photo by Aaron Yoshino Laboratory manager Cindy Yamamoto tends to one of the endangered plant species at the arboretum. The plants live in test tubes that contain food…

Talk Story: Randy Iwase, Public Utility Commission Chair

G ov. David Ige surprised many when he appointed Iwase to replace Hermina Morita at the PUC. Clearly, the former city councilman, state senator, deputy attorney general and chair of the state Tax Revenue Commission has administrative and political chops,…

Did You Know: Size Matters

The Hawaii Community Development Authority, the agency that oversees development in Kakaako and a few other places on Oahu, runs its shop with a mountain of rules and regulations, as you might expect. Whether you agree with HCDA’s rules or…


N onprofits always need specialized help at an affordable price. Meanwhile, skilled professionals want meaningful volunteer opportunities that go beyond stuffing envelopes. Rachael Chong says Catchafire solves both issues with a database that connects businesspeople’s skills with nonprofits’ needs. Catchafire’s…

Ask The Expert: Naming Your Company - Bernard Uy

Question: I have a great idea for a company, but I can’t come up with a name. How do I get started? Answer: Naming a business requires careful thought. Here are pointers to get you started:   Define your brand…

What's It Worth: Organizer Helps You De-Clutter

INTERIOR DESIGNER NATE BERKUS says, “Your home should rise up to greet you,” but he’s not talking about piles of clutter that keep growing. Those facing this problem can turn to professional organizers like Nancy Nino, who helps people deal…


W Hen Iolani Palace’s monthly power bill doubled to more than $41,000 last fall, even drastic steps like cutting off the air conditioning in the adjacent barracks couldn’t bring costs back to where they had been just a few months…

Multimedia Innovator

Jay Fidell didn’t set out to be a journalist. The founder of the ThinkTech Hawaii arrived here from New York in 1965 as a Coast Guard lawyer and military judge. “It was the time of Vietnam, and war was in…

How Much Will it Cost Us in the End?

"For one thing,” he says, “we’re not over budget at all, at this point. We’re estimating that, because construction costs are escalating so quickly in the current year, that next year, when we’re signing the remaining construction contracts, we’re going…

Something Old, New, Borrowed & Green

WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU COMBINE ELEMENTS OF THE 19TH, 20TH AND 21ST CENTURIES? Start with the U.S. government’s oldest scientific agency, with roots stretching back to the early 1800s; add historic Ford Island aircraft hangars that survived the…

Crowded Water

THE TRAVEL CHANNEL named Kona’s manta ray night dive one of the top 10 things to do in your lifetime. As they feed on the plankton attracted to the flashlights held by divers and snorkelers, the gentle yet massive rays,…

What’s Next for Solar

If you ever use a waste-burning toilet, don’t be surprised if you find out a solar-power company installed it. That’s one of the technologies being investigated by RevoluSun, a Honolulu-based solar company that has expanded its “Smart Home” division, offering…

Molokai at Work

MOLOKAI IS OFTEN characterized as the Island with Hawaii's highest unemployment rate. That's unfortunate, because most of the residents work hard to earn a living. So we asked photographer PF Bentley, who lives on the Friendly Isle, to showcase his…

Wall In The Family

When tricky emotional issues stifle a family’s wealth-management planning, financial advisors call upon therapists to move the process forward. It could be the basis of a twisted reality show: Throw a family into a conference room, have them grapple with…

Smokers Are A Drag

Study after study has concluded that smokers are less productive workers than nonsmokers – both because they take more sick days and because they’re less productive while at work. So it’s not surprising that many Hawaii companies have programs to…

Good Neighbors: Ulrich Krauer

Ulrich Krauer has dedicated the past 40 years of his life to the hospitality industry – in Hawaii and around the world – but what he and his staff at the…

Electric Wheels In Kailua

There are now several places to rent or buy bikes in Kailua, but if you fear you might run out of energy before you reach your destination, consider an electric bicycle from Pedego. The different styles range from Comfort Cruisers…

LocalKineBiz: Keawe Adventures

Ex-Marine captain’s company, Keawe Adventures, struggled for four years until a concierge at the Halekulani gave him a chance. Now his business employs 12 people and focuses on small tours with six or seven visitors at a time. Makani Christensen…

Join Uncle Sam's Club

Over the past 17 years, more than 2,000 local products have found their way into military commissaries and exchanges, giving Hawaii companies new customers for items such as coffee, macadamia nuts, aloha wear, kim chee and perfume. Decades ago, commissaries…