Hawaii Business Magazine - August 2016

Hawaii’s Highest-Paid Sports Stars 2016

Here is Hawaii Business’ annual roundup of salaries for major league athletes who were born or grew up in Hawaii, or attended Hawaii schools. Our main source is Spotrac.com, a website that specializes in tracking pro athletes’ compensation. We have…

A Case for Brain Sports in School

ROBOTICS To prepare for Kalani High School’s Robotics 3008, members of Team Magma spend as many as 30 hours a week on everything from building robots as tall as five feet to fundraising for future competitions. The team has received…

The Careerist: Policies Evolving on Kids at Work

Expert careerist, Powell Berger, gives her input answering  questions about kids at work, fancy fundraisers and unlimited vacation. Q: There’s a single dad who occasionally brings his two kids to our office. I feel for him, but I don’t think…

Transformative Therapy

“Metamorphose means to change or transform, and I wanted to use the verb- rather than the noun- for the name of our yoga studio, because it’s much more action-oriented,” explains Carol Dumeyer. “We’re all capable of changing or transforming.” The…

Color My World

She’s an expert in how colors affect people, psychologically and physiologically. NAME: Jill Morton JOB: Color consutant and president of Colocom START: After earning her master’s in art education from UC Santa Barbara and her master’s of fine arts in…

Turf Takeout

Aloha Stadium replaces its 5-year-old artificial turf with a new installation of UBU Sports Speed Series S5-M turf. The cost of the upgrade: $1.2 million DATE: Friday, 1:24 p.m. LOCATION: Aloha Stadium PHOTOGRAPHER: David Croxford

The Evolution of the CIO

As part of Hawaii Business’ C-Suite conference series, we brought together three of Hawaii’s leading CIOs. Todd Nacapuy, chief innovation officer for the state, first talks about driving change and accommodating all kinds of users. Then, Sheh Bertram of Bank…

Talk Story: Michael Gold, President and CEO of HMSA

For the past four years, Gold has led HMSA through a dramatic transformation in the healthcare industry. We ask him about the insurance company’s plans to fundamentally change how it pays physicians. Q: HMSA is about to embark on a…

The Resilient Leader

EVERY SUCCESSFUL LEADER has a story about how his or her response to challenges, setbacks or failures helped set them on the path to success. In fact, there are many points in a successful career in which that person’s response…

5 Steps to Building an Effective Vision Board

How can you double or triple the size of your company? Your path starts with creating a vision. Alan Akina says visualization is one of the most powerful mental exercises you can do. “Creating a personal or company vision board…

Made in Hawaii

Iolani Sportswear president Lloyd Kawakami remembers when aloha shirts were only made in Hawaii. Today, they are produced cheaply in Asia or sold under labels such as Tommy Bahama, which have no connection to the Islands. That competition has put…

From the Managing Editor: The World Is an Island

LIKE MOST PEOPLE, I think about money often. Not about what I can buy with it – though occasionally daydreaming about a shopping trip to Tokyo never hurt anybody. No, my preoccupation is with how money works and how it…

Budding Industry

Sixteen years ago, Hawaii legalized medical marijuana but never made it easy for qualified patients to obtain it. That’s about to change: Eight companies are preparing to open stores statewide that will sell state-tested and regulated medical marijuana for roughly…

Retirement Plans for Your Employees

Q: I want retirement plan for my employees that doesn’t bust my company’s budget.
Is that possible? Company retirement plans are a terrific incentive for attracting and retaining top talent. Employees are far more likely to participate in an employer-provided plan than…

Drones Unleashed

Tucked inside Battery Bill’s store on Dillingham Boulevard is another store that looks like an oversize walk-in closet, but is, in fact, the epicenter of one of the state’s fastest growing industries. Drone Services Hawaii LLC, open for less than two…