Hawaii Business Magazine - April 2018

Old Ways, New Ways, Great Success

The inaugural Small Biz Academy Hilo featured an iconic panel of business leaders to a full house on Hawaii Island. Over 200 people packed the Grand Naniloa Hotel's Crown Room to hear Central Pacific Bank Executive Chair of the Board…

Cultivar: From Mexico to Hawaii

Shadi Faridi attended craft fairs before she could walk. She occupied a baby carrier under tables at craft booths while her mother, Michele Zane-Faridi, helped her brother, famed designer Sig Zane, back when he was just starting out. Fast-forward over…

Best Places to Work 2018

Creating a great workplace is not rocket science. But it’s more about applying the rules you learned in kindergarten than those you learned in the school of hard knocks.

Aloha Town

The City and County of Honolulu does a big job – or rather, 10,687 jobs. That’s the number of people the C&C employs, with the responsibility of providing safety and enhancing the lives of Oahu’s 992,605 residents. Every U.S. city…

Ways to Manage Your Millennials

Boomers, Gen Xers and Millennials come from the same planet, but they seem to live in different worlds. Here are nine ways that older managers can lead, inspire and, yes, learn from their younger employees.  [  Plus ] Tips on…

This Maui Jewelry Team Offers an Abundant Spirit

A young couple turns their passion for pearls and Polynesian designs into a jewelry business “Pearls are cultured. You don’t dive for them, they’re not found in the wild. People think you go diving for pearls, but it’s not like…

Bamboo Bikes

Barret Werk shapes bamboo into a piece that will help anchor a bicycle seat. Werk says he can build a bamboo frame bicycle using one pole in about 50 hours. Werk Arts is a Kailua woodworking company specializing in bikes…

Kids and Adults Fly High at Seagull Schools

“I always strongly believed in working with young children,” Chuck Larson says. “But when I was getting my bachelor’s degree I was assigned to work in a kindergarten classroom. They never had a man there before at that grade level,…

How to Engage Remote Workers

Q: Our employees often work off-site at client offices. How do we keep them feeling connected? A: That’s a challenge we face at Accuity, because public accounting is a demanding profession with long hours, complex clients and many projects that…

Native Hawaiian Culture is Science

As with other indigenous cultures, Hawaiian knowledge adds a vital element to science. From a Native Hawaiian perspective, modern science is a valuable tool but may lack an element needed to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems involving climate…

Business Owners Should Ask: Who is My Backup?

Everything is running great: Cash is coming in, bills are being paid and life is good. But then something happens and you can’t work for a few weeks or more. What happens to your business if you’re not there? If…

Career Advice: My Divorced Boss is on the Make

She is looking but I need to focus on my job. How do I say no and still stay on her good side? Q: My boss recently finalized her divorce and she’s now back looking for love. I wish her luck,…

Business is Built on His Love of Pets

Name: Steve Cromwell Age: 67 Job: Pet and house sitter and co-owner, Pets in the ’Burbs Hawaii LLC Start: Cromwell was born in Washington state, but raised in Hawaii, San Diego and Seattle. After more than 20 years as a chef, the Aiea…

Talk Story With Jim Yates, President of Par Hawaii Inc.

Par Hawaii, No. 5 on Hawaii Business’ 2017 list of the Top 250 companies, hopes to steer its core expertise – refining, storing and delivering fuel – into Hawaii’s  renewable energy future. Oil and its products will remain the company’s…

5 First Steps for New Leaders

Do you sometimes wonder: Why did they put me in charge? Everyone feels that way at some point. Michele “Bud” Nagamine, head coach of the UH women’s soccer team, offers these five steps to elevate your leadership skills. 1. Don’t…

Maui Business Report

Table of Contents A message from the Maui Economic Development Board: Seeding Innovation Growing Pains for Maui’s Hot Economy Unemployment is near zero, but business leaders want to see more high-skilled, high-wage jobs Renewable Projects Light Up Economy Maui’s first…

Don’t Be So Certain It Can’t Happen Here

The most important book of our time offers warning signs History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes and I hear an ominous poem these days. Franklin Roosevelt committed one of the biggest sins of his 12-year presidency when he…

Pho King Good

“Mom, do you really want to do this?” asked Kathy Tra when her mother decided to buy a small restaurant in Wahiawa. The front window was cracked and from what Kathy could discern, the books indicated little business. But the…