
The Pandemic is Not Gender Neutral

Working women suffer disproportionately from the recession in their finances, careers and health Nikki Nakamura and her husband still sit at each end of the dining room table, just as they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. But so much else…

Minimum Wage Dilemma

In the restaurant sector, trying to balance the financial interests of employees, customers and owners is difficult. A higher minimum wage will drastically change that equation. A proposal to raise Hawaii’s minimum wage from $10.10 to $15 an hour has…

Aloha Town

The City and County of Honolulu does a big job – or rather, 10,687 jobs. That’s the number of people the C&C employs, with the responsibility of providing safety and enhancing the lives of Oahu’s 992,605 residents. Every U.S. city…

Reversing Hawaii's Brain Drain

Five steps local leaders are taking right now to persuade bright young kamaaina to stay home or come back Tony Marzi is the kind of kamaaina that Hawaii’s business and community leaders hope will come home. The 32-year-old grew up…